
Thank you and welcome – board member update

  • More news on Norway Health Tech

At this year’s General Assembly we said goodbye to three of our board members, and thanked them for all their good work. Now we have the pleasure of welcoming three new board members to us!

After two wonderful years, our board members Richard Aastrand, Cornelia Mender and Rune Simensen are leaving us. During their years with us they have contributed with their knowledge, experiences and competence. It has been a delight for the cluster and for our members.

We wish them all the best, and again – thank you for everything!

Rune Simensen (Helse SørØst) and Cornelia Mender (Former GE Healthcare)

It’s a pleasure to welcome our three new board members: Robert Steen, Nis Johannsen and Jørn Mikalsen.

Robert Steen

Robert Steen is City Councilor for Health, the Elderly and Citizen Services in Oslo. Steen grew up in Oslo and has a master’s degree from Bi Business School in Management and Business Administration. Furthermore, Robert worked for the media

Robert Steen

concern Schibsted for 16 years, where he gained experience in management, organizational building and digitization. In the media concern he had several management jobs before he finally opted out of the job for politics.

In 2014 Robert decided to join the labor party as a tribute to his father.  Shortly after that he received a phone call from politician Raymond Johansen. This phone call led to a new carrier path for Robert: a career as a politician. In 2015 his political career started, and he sat as the financial councilor in Oslo. Now Robert sits as the City Councilor for Health, the Elderly and Citizen Services in Oslo. Thus, health is one of his most important political issues.

Nis Johannsen

Our second new board member is Nis Johannsen. Nis is the head of digital innovation at Helse Sør-Øst. He has studied information studies and philosophy at Aarhus University, and a doctorate in philosophy, research and

Nis Johanssen

technology at the University of Copenhagen. Furthermore, Johannsen has a wide range of work experience. With his education, Nis has worked as a consultant and lecturer. For Helse-Sør-Øst, he began as a a senior consultant before he in 2021 got the job as the head of digital innovation.

As the head of digital innovation, Nis wants to contribute to more user-oriented services that meet all needs. With this said, digital innovation within the health service will benefit both the patients’ needs – as well as the health personnel’s needs. On the website of Helse-Sør-Øst, he states that it is about creating a better collaboration between the hospitals, the inhabitants, players in the market and others.

Jørn Mikalsen

Jørn Mikalsen

The third, and final new board member we’re so lucky to have on our team is Jørn Mikalsen. Mikalsen is an entrepreneur who has started several technology companies. These companies deliver service innovation to the health sector. He has a degree from the Norwegian Institute of Information Technology (NIHT) where he studied information technology. Jørn is also an educated officer from the Befall’s School for the Infantry in Northern Norway (BSIN), where he’s had several leadership roles in the Army and Home Guard. Furthermore, Jørn has had various commercial and technical roles in TANDBERG, Cisco and Accenture.

As a founder and co-founder of several successful software companies within video communications (Videonor / Whereby), directory service (Seevia), digital marketplaces (Skiwo, Salita, Triv), fintech (ManyMore) and consulting companies, Jørn has a desire to be contribute to a better public-private partnership within the health sector.

We wish Robert Steen, Nis Johannsen and Jørn Mikalsen a warm welcome as board members with us!

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