
Nominate candidates for export company of the year 2022!

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Do you know of a company that has excelled in exports in 2022 and deserves to win one of this year’s export awards? Now you can nominate candidates.

This year, the prize will be awarded both to the year’s best export company, but also to the newcomer who best meets these criteria:

The company must have a high export share

The company must demonstrate value creation in Norway

The company must demonstrate market progress

The company must deliver an innovative solution or an innovative product

The award ceremony is part of the Export Conference which will be held at the Norwegian Theater in Oslo on 14 March 2023.


Responsible business in the company

In order to receive the Export Prize from Eksfin and Innovation Norway, the company must have a conscious relationship with its own sustainability risk and comply with the OECD’s guidelines for multinational companies and the UN’s guiding principles for business and human rights. This means that the company follows ethical guidelines, and actively maps and manages risks related to corruption, human rights violations, indecent working conditions and negative environmental impact.

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